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Armenian love cookies

On 23rd Januray was Armenian valentines day known ,day of Saint  Sarakis  (i am late with this i know :( )  So for this day you make salty cookies from flour, and little water - and if i understood it well,you should fry them. That night you should dream your destined one bringing you water - but with this ritual in what the water is matters too. If the cup is golden - he will be rich If the cup is wooden - he will be poor If the cup is full - long marrige If the cup is empty or has little water in it - short marrige  Recipe: 2 spoons of flour 2 tea spoons of salt  little bit of water  You mix it all up,shape them  And then you fry your cookies  There are confirmations from  Armenian girls  that this ritual  works - some of them have dreamt their men,some their cars,some parents and so on - i have not yet done it,too lazy for that xD

Day in a month ritual

This ritual is simple - you should pick one day (number) on wich you will every month sleep in your pajamas upside down ... the inner side of the pajamas should be out. example first day of every month sleep in your pajamas upside should dream once again.

Day and month matching ritual

So i will try to explain this one best that i can - ok.... So,whenever day and month match in number you should turn your pillow that many times of the number they match....ok this sounds bad... I will give you an example Day. Month. Year. 2.2.2016 - you turn your pillow 2 times 3.3.2016 - you turn your pillow 3 times 4.4.2016 - you turn your pillow 4 times and so on What i should mention is that you are turning your pillows DAY BEFORE that matching day,so if we are doing it for 3.3.2016 - you turn your pillow 3 times day before the matching day,you do it 2.3.2016 If you are doing it for 12.12.of certain year - you turn your pillow 12 times at the night of 11.12 of the certain year. You should dream a man or a may happen that you have a simbolic dream too,you may dream of an object that might be connected to his/hers name,profesion,looks... one girl dreamt an animal,it turned out a man she met and later married had a name after that animal . exm. Leo.

Not a dream.

So this ritual you do while you are awake and because of that it might get bit scarry! My mother has done this ritual with her friend when they were in highschool - she did not do it completly because she got afraid,but friend finished and did see a man she later married. At midnight you should be in completly dark room,infront of the mirror with a candle infront your face as only source of light. You should wear all white and be naked underneath that dress or cloth .  It is said that you can see the face of the destined man in the mirror. As i said,my mums friend did see the face and did marrie that man . Now,i do not dare to do this ritual,i do not like dark,candles,mirrors and faces in them at midnight no matter what - but if you are braver than me,go ahead have fun :D

Christmas key

Ok,one more ritula for Christmas Eve The day of Christmas eve you should not eat for the whole day ,before you go to sleep you should lock the door,and pour wather in some bowl,put the bowl under your bed and key under your pillow . This one has been proven to work by few women. They have dreamt men they later in life married.

Spanish dream mirror ritual

This ritual has been sent to me by one of my dear readers from Spain - so have some fun with it For this ritual you need mirror and crayon (some kind of pencil with wich you can write on mirror) - you write your question ON mirror and put mirror   under your pillow - and go to sleep :D If you dream of scene that has to do with the question you wrote - it will come true. I would love to hear if any of this rituals have worked for you - or if you want to discuss it,or maybe if you have some answers  -you can comment on any post  hat you want and i will see how can i hellp :)

Christmas eve ritual

I know,i know Christmas - Both Catholic and Ortodox have passed,but you can use this next one! They are just 12-13 months away So yeah,on Christmas Eve a girl (or a boy) should spit the first bite from dinner in napkin,she/he should do the same with their last bite - merge those two bites (i know,it sounds so grose ) and tie napkin. She should say  ''God,please bring me my destined on to my dreams'' The moment she puts down napkin under the pillow she shuld not talk to anyone,just go to sleep. She will only dream a man if she was destined to marry the next year! (So if you dont dream him - you are not going to get married the year that follows,just try the ritual  next Christmas Eve again) This ritual is confirmed by girls from all around Serbia , my friends mother has done it and she did meet the man she dreamt,and did marrie him the year that followed.