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This one is obviously very old ritual that involves a petticoat. If you are not familiar of what that might be,where look att he pic. Yeah i am sure most of us do not own such thing,yeah its a layered underskirt. So because we liv ein time petticoats are hard to find,i will say use your pajamas instead or something personal that you wear like that. On Friday night after getting all ready for bed, roll your petticoat up, and before lying down put it under your pillow, repeating this verse: This Friday night while going to bed, I put my petticoat under my head, To dream of the living and not of the dead, To dream of the man I am to wed, The color of his eyes, the color of his hair, The color of the clothes he is to wear, And the night the wedding is to be.

clover rituals

Basically this are all similar rituals that involve clovers - so you will need clovers (with two or four leavse) and shoes. This is how four leaved clover looks like  - Put a clover with two leaves in one of your shoes - the first man that approaches you from the side the clover is in ,will be your husdband ( i know this sounds risky huh ) - Put a four leaved clover in your shoe and you will marry a man with the same first  name as the man that approaches you first from the side clover is on. (huh,this sounds better than the one above,dosent it? ) - Put a four leaved clover in your shoe and you will soon meet the man you will marry

Sprinkle ,Sprinkle

For the following ritual you will need a little bit of water,a rosemary, thyme and shoes. If you dont know wich flower i am speaking of,its this one this is thyme this is rosemary You need to sprinkle both rosemary and thyme with water three times ,and place each herb in a shoe,those shoes you will leave at the foot of your bed - and that night you are suposed to dream your future husdband. You can easily find both rosemary and thyme in food stores because both are used in cooking ,both have very lovely smells and i supose this just like the lemon ritual we mentioned before is rather sensory ritual ,also thyme has a lemony smell ,so there might be something in that smell especially ,hmmm.


At this point you are probably used to seeing rituals that involve your pillow and you sleeping over something underneath it,right? This ritual is less weird ,it involves DAISIES - yes this lovely flower that you can see all around in spring-summer period! All you have to do is put them under your pillow and have a sweet,sweet dream of your future husdband ;)


This one is weird but if you think about it makes alot sense . For this ritual you will need,just like blog title says,A LEMON. Yes only one lemon needed. What you need to do is peel the lemon,and with its peel rub the headbord of your bed before you go to sleep . I said that it makes sense because this one is obviously sensory ritual,the smell of the lemon will lit your senses,probably open you up to other dimension.