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Showing posts with the label flowers

clover rituals

Basically this are all similar rituals that involve clovers - so you will need clovers (with two or four leavse) and shoes. This is how four leaved clover looks like  - Put a clover with two leaves in one of your shoes - the first man that approaches you from the side the clover is in ,will be your husdband ( i know this sounds risky huh ) - Put a four leaved clover in your shoe and you will marry a man with the same first  name as the man that approaches you first from the side clover is on. (huh,this sounds better than the one above,dosent it? ) - Put a four leaved clover in your shoe and you will soon meet the man you will marry


At this point you are probably used to seeing rituals that involve your pillow and you sleeping over something underneath it,right? This ritual is less weird ,it involves DAISIES - yes this lovely flower that you can see all around in spring-summer period! All you have to do is put them under your pillow and have a sweet,sweet dream of your future husdband ;)