Basically this are all similar rituals that involve clovers - so you will need clovers (with two or four leavse) and shoes. This is how four leaved clover looks like - Put a clover with two leaves in one of your shoes - the first man that approaches you from the side the clover is in ,will be your husdband ( i know this sounds risky huh ) - Put a four leaved clover in your shoe and you will marry a man with the same first name as the man that approaches you first from the side clover is on. (huh,this sounds better than the one above,dosent it? ) - Put a four leaved clover in your shoe and you will soon meet the man you will marry
Find out who is your destined man/woman,how many times will you get married,at what age will you get married,how many children you will have,even find out the name of the man/woman!!