I know,i know Christmas - Both Catholic and Ortodox have passed,but you can use this next one! They are just 12-13 months away
So yeah,on Christmas Eve a girl (or a boy) should spit the first bite from dinner in napkin,she/he should do the same with their last bite - merge those two bites (i know,it sounds so grose ) and tie napkin.
She should say ''God,please bring me my destined on to my dreams''
The moment she puts down napkin under the pillow she shuld not talk to anyone,just go to sleep.
She will only dream a man if she was destined to marry the next year! (So if you dont dream him - you are not going to get married the year that follows,just try the ritual next Christmas Eve again)
This ritual is confirmed by girls from all around Serbia , my friends mother has done it and she did meet the man she dreamt,and did marrie him the year that followed.
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