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Day and month matching ritual

So i will try to explain this one best that i can - ok....

So,whenever day and month match in number you should turn your pillow that many times of the number they match....ok this sounds bad...

I will give you an example

Day. Month. Year.
2.2.2016 - you turn your pillow 2 times

3.3.2016 - you turn your pillow 3 times

4.4.2016 - you turn your pillow 4 times

and so on

What i should mention is that you are turning your pillows DAY BEFORE that matching day,so if we are doing it for 3.3.2016 - you turn your pillow 3 times day before the matching day,you do it 2.3.2016

If you are doing it for 12.12.of certain year - you turn your pillow 12 times at the night of 11.12 of the certain year.

You should dream a man or a may happen that you have a simbolic dream too,you may dream of an object that might be connected to his/hers name,profesion,looks... one girl dreamt an animal,it turned out a man she met and later married had a name after that animal . exm. Leo.


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