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Armenian love cookies

On 23rd Januray was Armenian valentines day known ,day of Saint  Sarakis  (i am late with this i know :( ) 

So for this day you make salty cookies from flour, and little water - and if i understood it well,you should fry them.

That night you should dream your destined one bringing you water - but with this ritual in what the water is matters too.

If the cup is golden - he will be rich
If the cup is wooden - he will be poor
If the cup is full - long marrige
If the cup is empty or has little water in it - short marrige 


2 spoons of flour
2 tea spoons of salt 
little bit of water 

You mix it all up,shape them 
And then you fry your cookies 

There are confirmations from  Armenian girls  that this ritual  works - some of them have dreamt their men,some their cars,some parents and so on - i have not yet done it,too lazy for that xD


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