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Sprinkle ,Sprinkle

For the following ritual you will need a little bit of water,a rosemary, thyme and shoes. If you dont know wich flower i am speaking of,its this one this is thyme this is rosemary You need to sprinkle both rosemary and thyme with water three times ,and place each herb in a shoe,those shoes you will leave at the foot of your bed - and that night you are suposed to dream your future husdband. You can easily find both rosemary and thyme in food stores because both are used in cooking ,both have very lovely smells and i supose this just like the lemon ritual we mentioned before is rather sensory ritual ,also thyme has a lemony smell ,so there might be something in that smell especially ,hmmm.


There is one ritual everyone can do any time - we all have nightgowns dont we? Basically what you need to do is just wear your nightgown  inside out - just that ! It is belived your destined man will come to your dreams if you do that ,there is not much explanation on why the belif exists ,it seems so random,but apparantly it isnt because ladies across the world swear it worked for them. You literally do not lose anything if you try this simple ritula.