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Showing posts from 2016

Bed knots

When in bed,tie a knot in the corner of the sheet and say ''Here i knit and knot i knit, i have a true heart and i have it yet. Show me him who i am suposed to wed '' Interesting isnt it?? 

Scotish mirror ritual

This ritual is from Scotland,so i will regard you as lasies ;) So you should stand before a mirror in the dark room with only source of light being the moon ,alone ofcourse,and no one should have seen you ,eating an apple - you are suposed to see the face of your destined one in the mirror - yeah too creepy for me,but you should give it a try! 

Mirror Mirror

One of those scarry ones i dare not to do ! You should let your hair loose,dress yourself in white gown and then with lighted candle go down the stairs backwards with mirror in her hand - before you step on the last step you should see face of your destined one!

Donkey telling us if we shall marry

Now this one is from gypsie tradition and its kind of cute if you ask me If you wish to find out how soon  you are going to marry ,you should whisper in to a donkey ear '' Shall i soon have a husdband ?'' If donkey moves its ear you will ! If not - not really soon ....according to donkey and you should belive because donkeys know best!

Miseltoe telling

Again not a dream one really but interesting You should name twoleaves of miseltoe (your name and name of your love interest) and place them together next to the fier,if both of them ''jump'' up together ,you and the person you named other miseltoe after will marry - if not ...not meant to be ...according to the Miseltoe telling 

Box of fortune

Now this one is not really a thing that will make you dream your destined man,but it is a way to find out will you marry,to whom of those you know you will marry,or will your future spouse be someone you do not know - so its wort of try right? You need a boy and 7 tiny peaces of paper on 5 of them you write names of your love interests or someone else you know,and on remaining 2 you write down ''death'' and ''unknown'' You should pick a peace of paper from the box each morning (each morning 1 paper,so it means you should do it for 6 mornings,right? ) If you paper with ''death'' writen on it is last in your box it only means you will never marry - so do not panic!

Midsummer's Eve Husband

Now this one is good that i found it in may,because Misummer is June 21st and you will have time to do it if you wish :D “ lay a clean cloth, with bread, cheese, and ale, and then sat down as if about to eat, the street door being left open, the person whom she was afterwards to marry would come into the room and drink to her by bowing; and, after filling the glass, would leave it on the table, and, making another bow, retire. ”

St Mark's Eve

“ ... On St. Mark's Eve, at twelve o'clock, The fair maid will watch her smock, To find her husband in the dark, By praying unto good St. Mark. ” St Mark's eve is 24th February i know i am so late with this xD

Saint Agnes eve and lads to see

I found this interesting pece i will quote entierly “ ... It was required that on this day they should not eat, it was thus known as St. Agnes's Fast, and their future husband would appear in a dream. ” In Scotland, young men and women would meet together on St. Agnes's Eve at midnight, they would go one by one, into a remote field and throw in some grain, after which they repeated the following rhyme ... “ Agnes sweet, and Agnes fair, Hither, hither, now repair; Bonny Agnes, let me see The lad who is to marry me. ” If they had followed the instructions correctly, then the shadow of the destined bride or bridegroom would be seen in a looking-glass later that same night. St Agnes eve is the 21st january

Use shoes to find out who He will be

Another interesting one for you my loves and i will try it tonight-sounds easy enough! “ At night, on going to bed, a girl would place her shoes at right angles to one another, in the form of a T, saying: Hoping this night my true love to see, I place my shoes in the form of a T. In this way she would dream her future husband.”

Dream cheat from 1800s

As i said that i will find more dream spells i bring it to you ! Thsi is a list from 1800s telling you what to do so you would dream your destined one. I did not try this one,but who knows maybe in future . “ ... the parties inquiring must lie in a different county from that in which they commonly reside; and, on going to bed, must knit the left garter about the right-legged stocking, letting the other garter and stocking alone; and, as they rehearse the following verses, at every comma knit a knot This knot I knit, To know the thing I know not yet, That I may see The man that shall my husband be; How he goes, and what he wears, And what he does all days and years. - Accordingly, in a dream, the desired one will appear, with the insignia of his trade or profession. ”

Experience from fellow blogger

Now i found this interesting blogg post wich i wanted to share with you guys ,i will try to find more similar life stories wich have something to do with what i write about on this very blogg ,and ofcourse find more interesting future husdband rituals for you ! I will have to shorten the text,but you can full text on her blogg! The blogg i found this on is :

Armenian love cookies

On 23rd Januray was Armenian valentines day known ,day of Saint  Sarakis  (i am late with this i know :( )  So for this day you make salty cookies from flour, and little water - and if i understood it well,you should fry them. That night you should dream your destined one bringing you water - but with this ritual in what the water is matters too. If the cup is golden - he will be rich If the cup is wooden - he will be poor If the cup is full - long marrige If the cup is empty or has little water in it - short marrige  Recipe: 2 spoons of flour 2 tea spoons of salt  little bit of water  You mix it all up,shape them  And then you fry your cookies  There are confirmations from  Armenian girls  that this ritual  works - some of them have dreamt their men,some their cars,some parents and so on - i have not yet done it,too lazy for that xD

Day in a month ritual

This ritual is simple - you should pick one day (number) on wich you will every month sleep in your pajamas upside down ... the inner side of the pajamas should be out. example first day of every month sleep in your pajamas upside should dream once again.

Day and month matching ritual

So i will try to explain this one best that i can - ok.... So,whenever day and month match in number you should turn your pillow that many times of the number they match....ok this sounds bad... I will give you an example Day. Month. Year. 2.2.2016 - you turn your pillow 2 times 3.3.2016 - you turn your pillow 3 times 4.4.2016 - you turn your pillow 4 times and so on What i should mention is that you are turning your pillows DAY BEFORE that matching day,so if we are doing it for 3.3.2016 - you turn your pillow 3 times day before the matching day,you do it 2.3.2016 If you are doing it for 12.12.of certain year - you turn your pillow 12 times at the night of 11.12 of the certain year. You should dream a man or a may happen that you have a simbolic dream too,you may dream of an object that might be connected to his/hers name,profesion,looks... one girl dreamt an animal,it turned out a man she met and later married had a name after that animal . exm. Leo.

Not a dream.

So this ritual you do while you are awake and because of that it might get bit scarry! My mother has done this ritual with her friend when they were in highschool - she did not do it completly because she got afraid,but friend finished and did see a man she later married. At midnight you should be in completly dark room,infront of the mirror with a candle infront your face as only source of light. You should wear all white and be naked underneath that dress or cloth .  It is said that you can see the face of the destined man in the mirror. As i said,my mums friend did see the face and did marrie that man . Now,i do not dare to do this ritual,i do not like dark,candles,mirrors and faces in them at midnight no matter what - but if you are braver than me,go ahead have fun :D

Christmas key

Ok,one more ritula for Christmas Eve The day of Christmas eve you should not eat for the whole day ,before you go to sleep you should lock the door,and pour wather in some bowl,put the bowl under your bed and key under your pillow . This one has been proven to work by few women. They have dreamt men they later in life married.

Spanish dream mirror ritual

This ritual has been sent to me by one of my dear readers from Spain - so have some fun with it For this ritual you need mirror and crayon (some kind of pencil with wich you can write on mirror) - you write your question ON mirror and put mirror   under your pillow - and go to sleep :D If you dream of scene that has to do with the question you wrote - it will come true. I would love to hear if any of this rituals have worked for you - or if you want to discuss it,or maybe if you have some answers  -you can comment on any post  hat you want and i will see how can i hellp :)

Christmas eve ritual

I know,i know Christmas - Both Catholic and Ortodox have passed,but you can use this next one! They are just 12-13 months away So yeah,on Christmas Eve a girl (or a boy) should spit the first bite from dinner in napkin,she/he should do the same with their last bite - merge those two bites (i know,it sounds so grose ) and tie napkin. She should say  ''God,please bring me my destined on to my dreams'' The moment she puts down napkin under the pillow she shuld not talk to anyone,just go to sleep. She will only dream a man if she was destined to marry the next year! (So if you dont dream him - you are not going to get married the year that follows,just try the ritual  next Christmas Eve again) This ritual is confirmed by girls from all around Serbia , my friends mother has done it and she did meet the man she dreamt,and did marrie him the year that followed.

Apple skin ritual

For this ritual you should take nice,big and if possible red apple and try to skin it without braking the circle , you should do it before you go to sleep,there should be no noise around you,and after you've done it you should not talk o anyone! So this is just example of what circle i am talking about,obviously skin has been broken,and ritual with this apple from picture would not work. Once you have your long apple skin,you put it in napkin and under your pillow. You should dream your destined one. There is also another ritual with apple skin - the apple should be pealed the same,without braking the skin ,once you have done it,you should take the skin and throw it across your right shoulder - behind your back . Look what shape the skin fell in to,then try to figure out wich letter it looks like,because that is the initial of your destined one.

The bridge

The bridge ritual is done with a glass of water or at river if you have one near you (sream of water  too) You need 1 glass filled with  water 2 sticks or 2 toothpicks You should place two sticks one next to other across the glass,making it look like a bridge Or if you are doing it on a river or stream - place two rocks at two sides and make a bridge with sticks And before you go to sleep say ''Let my destined one hellp me to pass this bridge'' You should put the glass next to your bed or even under it. That night you are suposed to dream of a man hellping you cross some sort of bridge,my granny has done it near the river in her time and the man she dreamt did not hellp her cross any bridge,but later in life she met the man (she did not know him before,she recognized him as the man she then dreamt once she married him   ) I will repeat that the best day for doing any ritual is before big Saint days. Oh,and some people say that once you do dream t...

Sky opens for your wishes on Epiphany nights

One more thing i would like to share with you about rituals done on Epiphany night is the one of Serbian belif that sky opens for you to grant your wishes or show you the face of your destined one. So, a night before Epiphany day it is belived that sky opens up so the winds could cross - the winter winds cross with summer ones,and that night all the wather is blessed,it is belived that if you are outside when that happens,and you see it,you have permision to wish something of God - make a wish. Some say you should see the clear sky (it's mostly clowdy at the time of the year) see the stars and moon. When should you go outside to make a wish? At 12pm,and look at the sky to see if it opened for you. There is also a belif that that same night on the sky you can see a face of the one you are going to marrie. So next year you can try it,it has passed 5 days ago :0

Mirror under the pillow

Mirros under the pillow ritual is one of the rituals commonly associated wit the Epiphany (Also known as Teophany) Christian  holiday,wich falls on 19th January in Ortodox calendars. So the night before the holiday you put a mirror under your pillow - and say ''may the destined one comes to my dreams '' And you should dream the man ''of your dreams'' that nigh - probably wont see his face. You can do this ritual whenever you want ,best time to do it is night befor a holy day (and ritual you do is best done then) Ps. there are many ''under the pillow '' rituals in Serbian culture and belif ,and i will write about them in my future blogs. Edit : One girl told me for the mirror under pillow ritual wich should be done 3 days - starting from Wndsdany to Fiday - third night the person you dream is ''the one''

The ring on a string

So,time for new ritual lovelies :D So this one can be used for various things - from detirmening the year you will get married to even finding out how many children you will have,their gender,number of marriges,and even destined ones NAME - yes,you have heard it well,even the name! So you need a red string or strand of your hair,a ring (some say wedding ring works best (obviously not yours,find someone elses)) and 1. a glass of wather (wide as whiskey glass) 2. or if you have a specific men on your mind their pictures (yes you can do it over the phone or tablet) and 3. your wrist. Put a string through the ring should look like this 1. put it over the glass filled with wather,do not move your hand! The ring should start on its own hitting the edges of the glass (i repeat,you should keep you hand completely still!)  Now the number of times this ring clicks you should count them - because if you are looking at what age are you going to marrie (you should say ...

Salted egg ritual

so this one is my favorite one and the one that worked with me - no i have not yet met those men wich i dreamt,the thing is i never dream good dreams,esspecialy not ones with young men  (i dream ''fantastic horror dreams'' most often) but after this rtual i had pleasent dreams of men... So you need one boiled egg,you cut it in half,but the yellow in the middle should be whole, so do not cut the egg completly,just the whites.  Take the yellow part and roll it in salt - lots of salt,and then put it back in white parts of the egg ,and eat it like that. Some people complain of how grose it tastes,i personally love salted food so for me it is never salty enough,no matter how much salt i roll it in. The point is that you should go to bed thristy  - before you eat the egg you should say ''let the one who is destined to me bring me wather to kill my thirst'' After  that you should go to bed - and do not speak a word to anyone. You should dream a m...