As i said that i will find more dream spells i bring it to you ! Thsi is a list from 1800s telling you what to do so you would dream your destined one. I did not try this one,but who knows maybe in future . “ ... the parties inquiring must lie in a different county from that in which they commonly reside; and, on going to bed, must knit the left garter about the right-legged stocking, letting the other garter and stocking alone; and, as they rehearse the following verses, at every comma knit a knot This knot I knit, To know the thing I know not yet, That I may see The man that shall my husband be; How he goes, and what he wears, And what he does all days and years. - Accordingly, in a dream, the desired one will appear, with the insignia of his trade or profession. ”