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Showing posts from May, 2016

Bed knots

When in bed,tie a knot in the corner of the sheet and say ''Here i knit and knot i knit, i have a true heart and i have it yet. Show me him who i am suposed to wed '' Interesting isnt it?? 

Scotish mirror ritual

This ritual is from Scotland,so i will regard you as lasies ;) So you should stand before a mirror in the dark room with only source of light being the moon ,alone ofcourse,and no one should have seen you ,eating an apple - you are suposed to see the face of your destined one in the mirror - yeah too creepy for me,but you should give it a try! 

Mirror Mirror

One of those scarry ones i dare not to do ! You should let your hair loose,dress yourself in white gown and then with lighted candle go down the stairs backwards with mirror in her hand - before you step on the last step you should see face of your destined one!

Donkey telling us if we shall marry

Now this one is from gypsie tradition and its kind of cute if you ask me If you wish to find out how soon  you are going to marry ,you should whisper in to a donkey ear '' Shall i soon have a husdband ?'' If donkey moves its ear you will ! If not - not really soon ....according to donkey and you should belive because donkeys know best!

Miseltoe telling

Again not a dream one really but interesting You should name twoleaves of miseltoe (your name and name of your love interest) and place them together next to the fier,if both of them ''jump'' up together ,you and the person you named other miseltoe after will marry - if not ...not meant to be ...according to the Miseltoe telling 

Box of fortune

Now this one is not really a thing that will make you dream your destined man,but it is a way to find out will you marry,to whom of those you know you will marry,or will your future spouse be someone you do not know - so its wort of try right? You need a boy and 7 tiny peaces of paper on 5 of them you write names of your love interests or someone else you know,and on remaining 2 you write down ''death'' and ''unknown'' You should pick a peace of paper from the box each morning (each morning 1 paper,so it means you should do it for 6 mornings,right? ) If you paper with ''death'' writen on it is last in your box it only means you will never marry - so do not panic!

Midsummer's Eve Husband

Now this one is good that i found it in may,because Misummer is June 21st and you will have time to do it if you wish :D “ lay a clean cloth, with bread, cheese, and ale, and then sat down as if about to eat, the street door being left open, the person whom she was afterwards to marry would come into the room and drink to her by bowing; and, after filling the glass, would leave it on the table, and, making another bow, retire. ”

St Mark's Eve

“ ... On St. Mark's Eve, at twelve o'clock, The fair maid will watch her smock, To find her husband in the dark, By praying unto good St. Mark. ” St Mark's eve is 24th February i know i am so late with this xD

Saint Agnes eve and lads to see

I found this interesting pece i will quote entierly “ ... It was required that on this day they should not eat, it was thus known as St. Agnes's Fast, and their future husband would appear in a dream. ” In Scotland, young men and women would meet together on St. Agnes's Eve at midnight, they would go one by one, into a remote field and throw in some grain, after which they repeated the following rhyme ... “ Agnes sweet, and Agnes fair, Hither, hither, now repair; Bonny Agnes, let me see The lad who is to marry me. ” If they had followed the instructions correctly, then the shadow of the destined bride or bridegroom would be seen in a looking-glass later that same night. St Agnes eve is the 21st january

Use shoes to find out who He will be

Another interesting one for you my loves and i will try it tonight-sounds easy enough! “ At night, on going to bed, a girl would place her shoes at right angles to one another, in the form of a T, saying: Hoping this night my true love to see, I place my shoes in the form of a T. In this way she would dream her future husband.”

Dream cheat from 1800s

As i said that i will find more dream spells i bring it to you ! Thsi is a list from 1800s telling you what to do so you would dream your destined one. I did not try this one,but who knows maybe in future . “ ... the parties inquiring must lie in a different county from that in which they commonly reside; and, on going to bed, must knit the left garter about the right-legged stocking, letting the other garter and stocking alone; and, as they rehearse the following verses, at every comma knit a knot This knot I knit, To know the thing I know not yet, That I may see The man that shall my husband be; How he goes, and what he wears, And what he does all days and years. - Accordingly, in a dream, the desired one will appear, with the insignia of his trade or profession. ”

Experience from fellow blogger

Now i found this interesting blogg post wich i wanted to share with you guys ,i will try to find more similar life stories wich have something to do with what i write about on this very blogg ,and ofcourse find more interesting future husdband rituals for you ! I will have to shorten the text,but you can full text on her blogg! The blogg i found this on is :